Friday, August 26, 2016

Selflessness vs selfishness

After going through some lesson this morning about selflessness, I realize how selfish I want to be. This morning I woke up and i'm so tired. I don't know if it's from last night, how I slept, or whatever it is, I just wanna sleep. In my studies would selflessness the scripture that keeps coming up no matter what I read is philippines to where it says do nothing out ofSelfish ambition or vain conceit. I really like what the sky was saying about when somebody in his family becomes too self-centered "This is not about you. "  It should never be about us or myself but about how I could serve others. What will I do today? Will I think about others will I think about myself? Help me O God to crucify myself and to serve others the way yourSon did.

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